Saturday, November 6, 2010

Where is the light at the end of the tunnel?

Hello! What a week! My husband came home early Tuesday morning! I got to spend about 6 hours with him before I had to go to work. :( I used all of my vacation and sick time when he had his surgery so I was unable to take a small leave from work. We have been so busy this week! It seems like we are never home. Atleast I feel like I am never home. Lately I am still only getting 3-4 hours sleep a day if I am lucky. Thrusday night I received a call from my husband ,while I was in the middle of an exam, telling me that he had just been in a accident. He was coming off of an overpass and there deer at the bottom of the overpass. He slowed down, and one deer ran to the side, while the other deer darted back across the road. He slammed the brakes, went sliding into the grass, and rolled my car 3 times. I was so frantic! I failed my exam (Thank goodness it was the pre-test), ran up to my neighbors and asked for a ride. When I got there the car was still on its roof, but he was out of the car and he said he felt fine. I took him to hospital anyway just to be sure he was alright. I was told I had to keep an eye on him for the next 12 hours, for a possible concusion and movement of his shunt. He was only diagnosed with severe whip lash. Needless to say I had to stay home from work, and when I called in they said I would be fired if I didn't show up. Well, I did not show up... I choose my family over work any day of the week. I am not fired, thank goodness, but I did have to go and get a new car. It really stinks, my car was 3 months from being paid off, and now I am paying double what I was before. I am really glad my husband is okay, but at the same time I wish my car would poof itself back to normal. lol (I will be posting a picture of the disaster)
Enough of the sad stuff :) Steven is such a busy body now a days! His bike is in our basement now and within 4 days he learned to ride his bike with out help. I am so proud of him! Steven is also so happy that daddy is home. They are constantly playing all the time! When you see them together you would think that Patrick never left. I really am glad that he is home... I just wish I got to spend more time with him and Steven.
Well, this is about all the time I have for now. Catch you next week!

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