Saturday, October 30, 2010

The End of Long Seperation

Hello again! I have had a very interesting week! My husband called me yesturday to tell me that he will be coming home Tuesday morning!!! I am so excited! I miss him so much, and I can't wait for him to see our new house. The only bad part about him coming home is that I will be only able to spend a few hours with him before I have to start my crazy work schedule. I used all of my vacation and sick time when he had brain surgery this year, so I can't take any time off. Let's just say I will be glad when the weekend hits so I can spend some much needed time with him!
Steven had his speech evaluation this week. She said it look like he is only a year behind in somethings, but in other things he is a year ahead. The only thing I am worried about is his talking. He just isn't talking like a normal 4 year old would. Normally they are asking tons of questions, while Steven is still using jibberish and baby talk. Hopefully he will be where he needs to be by August. In August he is starting Kindergarten.
This morning, when I got out of work, Steven and I carved 2 pumpkins. Steven wanted a cat, and I carved a ghost! (I will be posting a picture) This evening we will be going trick 'o' treating! Steven is going as Bumblebee from Transformers, and I am going in a little witch hat and mask. What a pair! lol
Well, I am going to log off here so I can get some laundry done. Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you, Heather! I could just feel your excitement through your writing, which made your blog enjoyable to read. Keep it up!

    I look forward to reading more.
