Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Beginning

This has been a really interesting week for me. I have been living with my mother since March (my husband had brain surgery and I needed help), and about 2 months ago my husband and I have been looking for a house of our own. I found a house on Monday and I get to go sign the papers and start moving in tomorrow!!! I am so excited! (I will be posting a picture) My husband (Patrick) is currently deployed at Fort McCoy but I have been sending him multiple pictures of our new home so he still feels like he is apart of the search. I can't wait until he gets to come home! My husband should be coming home the end of November.
Also this week I went on a field trip with my sons pre-school class to Jo-Jo's Pretzels! It was so much fun! We all got to make our own pretzels, and we learned so much about pretzels. Jo-Jo's Pretzels has the best pretzels around.... now if only their coffee was to match! lol
Well, I think I am going to log off here as my son (Steven) wants me to play Sonic Unleashed!
                        This is a picture of my new house!

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