Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Crazy, Fantastical Life

Hello everyone! This has been a very crazy, stressful, fun week! It is coming down to the last few hours before it is time to hand in our papers and my mind is scrambling! I keep trying to take breaks in between, but then I stress that I need to get back to it! I think I am going to take a few deep breaths... take an hour break, and look at my paper with fresh eyes.
Over the weekend, we of course, got hit with a bunch of snow! So, we did all of our shopping early, just to make sure we could stay inside for a long time. Sunday Patrick, Steven and I made a gingerbread train! We had so much fun! Steven and Patrick kept eating the icing while we were decorating, so they ended up having green tongues. They definitly are really cute when they want to be! We almost ended up having a gumball fight, but we ended up with an icing war! It was so much fun! Very messy, but so much fun!
Steven seems to be catching a little bit of the stomach flu. He ended up not going to speech class, since he got sick and kept telling me his tummy hurt. This morning we pretty much stayed in our jammies, and watch cartoons. I am going to miss these kind of days when he gets older.
To finish off my blog for this week I am going to share a little bit of my dream. After the first of the year I am going to join the Army! My husband and I have been talking about it alot, and kept talking with the local army recruiter. I am a little over weight but I can pass the tests that I need to pass for now. I am so excited!!! My schedule is going to be a little hectic but it is totaly going to be worth it!
Well, I am just going to leave everyone with that thought. Have a great week!

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